by Hub Pacheco
Well, I'm back and I'm still scavenging for time to write the recap to last Month's WWE SmackDown Tour here in the Philippines. Yes it was a great two days but somehow I never got around to writing the recap. Maybe it was because my enthusiasm to write about it went out the window the moment that cameras were supposedly "banned" from the event. F--- that, I saw a guy inside the building with a Nikon D2x! (a pro camera) Well, I got some good shots OUTSIDE the arena of some superstars whom I unexpectedly came across. That story will saved when I write about the tour, which probably won't have any bearing as it has been over a month now since the event. Nonetheless, I will get around to it, eventually. I hope. Now, onto the main course!
This edition of the Driver Seat is dedicated to some random thoughts on WWE SmackDown! You know the drill, folks. I write it short but sweet. So here it goes.
You might have noticed the teensy tension that Brian Kendrick is developing on Paul London. You know, on last week's SD!, when Kendrick came out to help London against William Regal. Then Ashley bumped into Kendrick. Yadayada. Ashley comes to the aid of London instead of minding Kendrick. Then you got that little look of disappointment/jealousy on Kendrick's face afterwards. This week, same shit again as Kendrick got distracted when it was his turn versus Regal. COME ON! I (and every other WWE fan) know where this is going to lead to! Kendrick starts to hate London. They fight, implode and lose the tag titles, whichever comes first. Is it just me or is the lifespan of a tag team only less than a year? I thought London and Kendrick was supposed to be in a program with Idol Stevens and KC James? Well, The Pitbulls are out so Jamie Noble is back to being a generic jobber. Damn, I wish Noble had it better. He's a great wrestler. Anyway, back to the lameass implosion angle. Well, I hope that in their "storied and touching" feud to come, they'll at least put on a great match or two.
I've really wanted tp talk about this bit ever since it started. WHAT THE HELL IS VICKIE GUERRERO DOING IN WWE? COME ON! Her supposed character doesn't fit her AT ALL. Turning heel on Rey Mysterio and doing all that heel crap. She doesn't give me any heel heat. She just makes me wanna turn away from my TV every time I see her on SD! It's true. I'm disgusted. Now, you may argue that maybe it was Mrs. Guerrero's decision to be a WWE talent. What, she can't support her family so she's going out there every week and making a fool out of herself? All right, maybe she does want to supprot her family by doing that. Buy by doing that, the image that I saw of her in Eddie's DVD story and in her Wrestlemania 22 appearance just went away for me. Can't she find something better to do? Why not start a foundation in Eddie's name? Or something along the lines of normalcy. Sorry for the harshness but really, she doesn't belong in the WWE. Leave all the heel heat to Chavo and stay out of the picture. Noted IWC columnist Linda Robin said that we should give Vickie a chance. While I highly respect Mrs. Robin's opinions, I say, please. Gimme a break.
Well, that's about it for now. There are a lot of positive things to be said about SmackDown! but the real fun is in talking about things that pisses me (and most WWE fans, I assume) the most. I mean, if it's great, why sprinkle it with more praises? Yeah I should but like I said, the real fun is in the stuff that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I'll be watching Survivor Series tonight and I'm looking forward to a great show. (The only advantage Filipino WWE fans have over US fans is that we get to watch PPVs in cinemas for USD6.00! US fans have to shell out around USD35-40 for their PPVs. So to JackTV, thank you. But f--- you for those tickets last October.) Although the formation of teams for the classic Survivor Series match is obvioulsy rushed. Hell, there wasn't even an angle. It was like WWE management played chess with the three brands' rosters. Anyway, to hell with angles. I'm fed up with some on SmackDown!, so I'll just leave it at that.