The Driver Seat
by Hub Pacheco
Let me just start of by apologizing to the little girl who sat behind me during the airing of Wrestlemania 23 this morning. It was not my intention to curse profusely (much like sweating) because I had no idea that the show was going to be THAT f-cked up.
It was a pretty lackluster show to say the least, with Taker's win the only great thing in the entire four-hour "extravaganza." The MITB Ladder match was pretty okay, too, although I expected it to last a little longer. Kennedy winning was also a good choice. Melina retaining, great! (Ashley does not deserve gold around her waist until she learns how to wrestle.) Kane jobbing, damnit! MVP losing to a headbutt, weird. McMahon bald, expected. ECW originals dominating, surprising, but good, nevertheless. All that leaves us is the so-called "main event" of the night.
Although it should come as no surprise that Cena would retain, I for one do not approve of that decision. For two straight Wrestlemanias, Cena has been in the main event. He won both matches. He made both opponents tap out. He was booed like crazy both times. What does that say about his tenure as champion?
He is made to seem so invincible that no one can beat him singlehandedly. There's a lot of danger in that. You know, I could go on and on about this for several more paragraphs (or essays, if I'm feeling it. But I don;t want to waste my time on bullshit topics) but the point is, if they (Management) don't want to turn Cena heel, at least have him drop the goddamn title! Make him chase it again. That's why last year's Unforgiven was such a success. You had Cena chasing his title with fire and passion.
He may have stopped evolving his character since he dropped his thug identity and went all "ooh im gonna salute my every opponent and act all cheesy and say im here as the champ." Fine. Make him stay that way for all I care. I just find it unfair that HBK went through all the trouble to carry that soggy SOB all throughout their 'Mania match and ended up on the losing end. HBK deserved that top spot more than Cena will ever be (for now).
Triple H tapping out last year was fairly acceptable in one way or another, but HBK tapping out this year? It's just plain bullshit.
After watching Wrestlemania 23, I will say this. I am so close to never patronizing WWE programming ever again. So close.