After years of bouncing around the midcards and (only) filling up main events, King Booker is once again at the top of the mountain. I've been a fan of Booker T since his WCW days and to see him as world champion for the first time in his WWE tenure, it's a great feeling. I may not like him being a heel world champ, but hey, since his face character's not going anywhere, the King of the World is tops on my list. His silly-as-hell grin (or his whole royal face, actually), his forced royal British accent ("I'm King Boo-kheah!"), and his twirling around in the middle of the ring is just too much for me too handle! King Booker is hilarious!
I'd like to believe that - after Booker won the title from Rey Mysterio weeks ago at the Great American Bash - Booker's tears were for real and not just for show. You know, the usual sobfest moment when a wrestler wins a big time championship. I'd like to believe that Booker really felt that good winning his SIXTH world title after being significantly de-pushed after he supposedly botched up his match with Triple H at Wrestlemania 19 three years ago. He really deserves to be world champion. It's been so long since his last run but (as cheesy and Cena-like as this sounds) his time is now.
Now, let the reign of King Boo-kheah begin!
Don'T Ye KnoW That KATRINA "KATT" FABON is A biG TimE Slut Who LoooovvEEesss To FUCK?!?! DAng! ShE Is A WHOre And I Don't Know If You Guys Know Of thiS. ShE GivES HEr Body Like a Hot CAke! Whew! I mIght Give You Some Proofs AnyTime If You Wish FOR It. She CAn PAss As A poRn Star, BeliEve Me!! SuCH a Shame To WomaHOod! I so Pity KRISTINA FABON For AdMiRing So MuCh Her ATE. She DoEsn'T KnoW About Her. Poor KrISTInA.
Show me some proofs!!!! My e-mail is
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