Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Driver Seat
by Hub Pacheco
"The MRI showed that I have to retire," revealed Edge in the April 11 edition of RAW, less than a week after WrestleMania 27.
Edge's sudden retirement came off as a bigger shock to the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) than The Rock's run in with John Cena and The Miz at the WrestleMania 27 main event.
There were hints of Edge retiring soon but for him to announce it abruptly, especially after a tough title defense at WrestleMania, it's too much of a shock for me. I still haven't gotten over Shawn Michaels' retirement speech the RAW after WrestleMania 26. If you look at the speeches Edge made in both RAW and SmackDown!, you could really see the sincerity in his eyes. His smile, his thank-yous to various peeps - it was genuine. People in general dismiss pro wrestling as fake or staged, but seeing his demeanor in his last week on TV, you can't get any more real than that, man. That was from the heart.
Respect, Edge said, is the most important thing he can take away from this tragedy. And I agree. On February 2006 when RAW held two shows here in Manila, Edge was then the WWE Champion. And honestly, I wasn't convinced of Edge as a world champion, the world champion at that. You see, he had just cashed in his Money-in-the-Bank briefcase and took the title from John Cena a month ago on New Year's Revolution. Hey, I'm no Cena fan, too, but I felt Edge hadn't proven himself yet. He wasn't main event material for me. I guess the same holds true for other midcarders suddenly pushed to the top.
Oddly enough, a few world championships later, Edge grew into it for me. From the Edge-Lita teamup to team Rated-RKO with Randy Orton to the Edge-Vickie Guerrero-La Familia-Edgeheads to his surprise return at the 2010 Royal Rumble, he solidified his character of The Rated-R Superstar and The Ultimate Opportunist.
It was fortunate that Edge ended his career as a face, although his retirement speech would've been more interesting to formulate had he been a heel. But hey, there are a lot of WWE greats who had a bad sendoff when they retired (Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret Hart). How many wrestlers can say they had two retirement speeches and retired as the reigning World Heavyweight Champion? So it's still a blessing even if we will never see that Edge-Christian feud we all have been waiting for since Christian came back to the WWE in 2009. Much like Rey Mysterio when Eddie Guerrero suddenly passed away late 2005, Christian now has the unenviable but well deserved chance of carrying Edge's momentum as Captain Charisma is currently in line for a World Heavyweight Championship match at Extreme Rules this Sunday.
I can say the same about The Miz, too, but that's a another topic altogether. I won't delve deeper into Edge's main event status because I think other IWC bloggers can say it better than I can. Hey, Edge's career wasn't all roses and cherries. He had his fair share of controversy (Lita/Matt Hardy, steroids), but he (pun intended) speared his way though all that and achieved more than anyone else in recent memory. Check the T-shirt to see what I mean.
As briefly as he said it in his speech, thank you, thank you very much, Adam Copeland.
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Driver Seat
By Hub Pacheco
About five years ago, my good friend Jeff & I started this blog after the WWE RAW team held two shows here in Manila. This blog was supposed to gather and collect our thoughts and opinions on WWE happenings. We are HUGE fans of the WWE and other pro wrestling federations and this blog was the outlet for all of our mark out moments, character sentiments and booking frustrations. All in good fun, of course.
School work started to pile in a year later and although SmackDown! held two shows on July 2007 in Manila, we just couldn't find the time to get back to writing here. So we just stopped. I loved discussing anything and everything about wrestling, but I wasn't motivated to do so any more then.
July 2009 - Smackdown/ECW held a one-night only show in Manila. At the first RAW of 2010, Bret Hart appeared on RAW. HBK retired that same year in a WrestleMania match with The Undertaker. February 2011 - The Rock came back and announced on RAW that he would be the special guest host of this year's WrestleMania. To quote good ol' JR Jim Ross, business picked up!
I also started writing a webcomic called Work in Progress (WIP) last year and that kinda reenergized me to write some more. And what better way to get my writing chops back in order than by writing something I'm passionate about other than basketball, comics and photography?
Long story short, that is the reason why I just shined this blog up real nice, turned it sideways and will be sticking this up on all your candy@$$ screens!
Now can you dig that, sucka!
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